
The Riyadh Landfill-Crowned Prince's Ordered Disposal

  The Riyadh Landfill-Crowned Prince's Ordered Disposal  It was a warm April day in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. His Royal Highness, Prince Adam Bin Alwaleed arrived at the airport and was immediately greeted by the Saudi Royal Guards. The Guards made Prince Adam go with them after all of his luggage was retrieved. Prince Adam had two entire suitcases full of his medically necessary adult diapers from  Northshore Care Supply , as well as three packs of the thick  booster pads  that go inside for extra absorbency. The Saudi Royal Guards took Prince Adam and all of this luggage to the Saudi Royal Embassy to conduct a mild interrogation. While Prince Adam sat in the Interrogation room, Guards rummaged through all of his suitcases. Finding only diapers, booster pads and clothing, one of the guards brought the suitcases into the room. Saudi Royal Guard: ما هي حفاضات ومنصات .... .... .... صاحبة السمو الملكي؟  أنت ..... تبلل نفسك مثل طفل صغير؟ Interpreter: The guard said; "What are the Diap

Laundry Day at Excell Laundry-Chapter Five

  Laundry Day at Excell Laundry-Chapter Five Requested by Members of: “The Washing Machine” Group on yahoo groups Davy’s Diapered Donation Chapter 5 As Martha (Davy’s mom) came into Davy’s room to wake him up, she was also carrying a clean pair of plastic pants, four clean and folded cloth diapers and a clean white onesie. Martha goes over to Davy’s safety bed and lowers the side. Martha : Oh….DA….vy…….Time to wake up baby…… Davy : (Stretching and yawning) Morning already? Martha : Yes son, I am getting you up later than usual and I let you sleep in because I have to take you down to the laundromat with all of your cloth diapers and onesies to get them AND you, all nice an clean. Davy : MOOOOM! Are YOU saying that you are going to have my diapers and I washed in a washer???? Martha : Yes hun, I have to go to work. I don’t have time to wash you AND your diapers and onesies. SO…that means that I have to take you to the laundromat and leave you with them so that they will wash you and you