Me in diapers

I will add more pictures of me in diapers when I can. 

Booster Pads by: Northshore Care Supply 👇👇👇

Parent's Choice Diapers 👆👇

Northshore Care Supply "Supreme Overnight Diapers 👇👇👇👇

Me in Cloth Pre-fold diapers for adults in size medium. (No plastic pants or diaper covers and snappie fasteners used to hold the diaper on. 👇👇👇👇

Me wearing ragged, torn up and ripped toddler sized cloth pre-fold diapers in layers underneath my Attends Classic  Disposable diaper (With Waistband Elastics). 👇👇👇👇

Lady Gaga on the Parent's Choice.....👇👇👇👇🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Crinklz brand Adult Diapers (Astronaut Print) with two Northshore Care Supply Medium Booster pads in the center.

Northshore Care Supply MEGAMAX Tie-Dye print👇👇👇👇



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