The Curroto Can

The Heil Half-Pack front load garbage truck has a compaction ratio of up to 117,000 pounds per cubic yard. The standard garbage truck compactor has a force of around 2,750 pounds per square inch (psi). 

Written without the assistance of AI.

A story about a route where people are disposable and are taken as articles of waste, becoming "Property" of the respective disposal companies. This story is detailing what could actually happen if diapered people were disposed of as trash. 

Andy, Sam, Adam, Tommy and Jake were all special needs people who had worn diapers since their births. Adam, Andy and Jake wore cloth pre-fold diapers at times and thick, bulky disposable diapers in other times like for daycare. Their caregivers understood that all of them suffered greatly health wise and it was just a matter of time before they were going to be disposed of as their chosen "method of death" for California's End-of-life options act. Within this and other state laws, people are allowed to choose the method of death, without regard for what that particular method is, since there were no official definitions within these laws stating how and which methods they were legally allowed to choose. 
Being disposed of was the chosen methods of death and the landfills were the chosen places of burial for Andy, Sam, Adam, Tommy and Jake. About nine million diapers are left in California landfills each day, Knowaste said, and they can take up to 500 years to decompose. Disposable diapers constitute around 4% of solid waste.
That being said, there were companies and specific drivers who say that they would actually take diapered people as waste as long as they either climbed into the hopper on their own, were officially accepted as waste by the respective landfills and transfer stations, or were inside blackout trash bags and nobody could tell what was inside, not that anyone cared that much anyhow. Usually, most trash collectors don't care what is inside the toters, dumpsters and trash cans. They just dump everything into the trash truck hopper, then run the compactor! 

Today was no exception, as Jake and Adam were being prepared for their disposals. Their caregivers were gathering up everything that was being disposed of and each disposees was being changed into their last diapers before then and their diapers were taken out to one of the two 96 gallon trash toters and put in. Jake's daycare tech gathered up the case of leftover unopened packs of his disposable diapers 
and all of his clean and wet cloth pre-fold diapers. 

Despite some of the cloth pre-fold diapers being clean, the daycare techs still were going to throw them away because they all had been worn before and new rules implemented during the pandemic mandated the disposal of used cloth pre-fold diapers due to sanitary reasons. Even Jake's used onesie bodysuits and pajamas were being disposed of. As Jake's daycare tech prepared to dispose of Jake, his clothing and diapers, Adam's daycare tech prepared him for disposal as well. 

Adam: Hey Miss? How come all of my clean disposable diapers are being disposed of? It seems like such a waste. 

Adam's Daycare Tech: Well, your diapers can't be used by anyone else unfortunately, because they were prescribed to you by your former doctor. By law, all unused prescriptions must be disposed of properly. 

Adam: My doctor also was the one who approved of my method of death under the Death-With-Dignity law. How long do I have to be inside the trash toter before my diapers and I are disposed of? 

Adam's Daycare Tech: Well, yes your doctor did approve your disposition method. You will be in the toter over night, the trash truck comes the next morning sometime. Your toter will be rolled out to the curb to wait for the trash truck. Ok, let's change your diaper one last time and then it's time to take you and your diapers and things out to the toter, ok? 

Adam's daycare tech takes Adam over to the adult diaper changing table and helps him up into it then helps lay him down on his back.

Then she begins to unfasten the tapes of his wet disposable diaper. 
Once his diaper is unfastened, she pulls the wet diaper out from underneath Adam and lays it on his chest while she opens the new and clean Northshore Care Supply MegaMax white diaper

and slides it underneath Adam. The care tech then adds four thick booster pads in between the inner leg cuffs of the diaper then grabs four toddler sized pre-fold cloth diapers and folds them in third laying them on top of the booster pads 

before opening a new pack of Pampers baby wipes. 

Adam's Daycare Tech uses the entire pack of wipes to wipe Adam clean with, dropping each used wipe into Adam's clean diaper padding in the crotch. 

Adam: HEY! Why are you putting all of the used wipes in my clean diaper? 

Adam's Daycare Tech: Because, you and this diaper are going out to the toter. It doesn't matter to me which diaper they go into, you and they are all going to the same place. 

Adam: The wipes will be all..lumpy and wadded up in my diaper! 

Adam's Daycare Tech: Yes, I know that. You will just have to deal with it.

As Adam's daycare tech dropped the last used wipe into his diaper, she pulled the front of his diaper up and fastened the tapes. 

Adam's Daycare Tech: There! You're ready for disposal. Now, we are ...going to need some help to bring all of your diapers to the toter. 

Adam's daycare tech asks the janitors to help carry Adam's diapers, onesie bodysuits, diaper bag and the four stacks of clean and folded cloth pre-fold diapers as well as the full diaper pails containing both wet cloth diapers and disposable diapers to the waiting trash toter. As Adam is escorted outside to where the toters are kept, in a locked and covered storage area behind the daycare, Adam waddles along due to the sheer thickness of the layered cloth diapers and the booster pads inside his diaper as well as the large wad of used baby wipes that make walking difficult. Adam and his care tech rounded the back of the daycare and the group of people and Adam walked over to the storage area and unlocked it, opened it then the care tech pushed Adam inside towards one of the toters. One of the janitors opened the lids and let the lid swing back to behind the toter before two of the janitors emptied the two pails full of wet cloth diapers and disposable diapers in. Then, the two janitors helped Adam get into the toter pushing on his diapered butt and back. Then as Adam layed on his back with his legs dangling over the side, the janitors loaded Adam's leftover packages of clean disposable diapers on top of him before dumping some more of Adam's clean cloth diapers on top of that.
As Adam's daycare tech watched as Adam and his diapers were loaded into the toter, she took his fully stocked diaper bag with several clean disposable diapers, wipes, baby powder still inside, off her shoulder and then she tossed it into the toter. 

Adam's daycare tech: There. Let's get the rest of his clothes brought out here and disposed of. (Talking to the two janitors) Now, be a good boy for me and stay in there ok? 

The two janitors then took the two empty pails back inside and then they brought out all of Adam's onesies bodysuits and his two-piece pajamas as well as his plastic and rubber pants, all of which were tossed into the toter. Then the lid was closed, sort of resting on Adam's thighs. 

Adam's daycare tech: Bye-bye diapered trash!

Then the storage area was closed and locked tightly and then the smells of wet cloth diapers and wet disposable diapers, baby powder, baby wipes loomed in the air within the darkness. Most of the day passed into late evening when the rest of the daycare cleaning crew came to clean, wipe down all surfaces and take out any remaining trash then roll the toters out to the curb. 
Adam layed inside the toter, moving occasionally to get more comfortable as much as he could. The cleaning crew brought Jake, all of his wet cloth diapers, all of his wet disposable diapers, all of his onesies bodysuits and PJs as well as plastic and rubber pants to another one of the toters. He was put inside and then had more of his diapers tossed in on top of him before the lid was lowered some. Then, someone began to roll Adam's toter out to the curb, going around the back, along the side to the front where the toters would be positioned to await collection the next morning. First Adam's toter was rolled into position, then Jake's toter was rolled into position next to Adam's. Then another full toter was rolled into position before a fourth toter was rolled into the row at the curb. Adam and Jake waited in the toters with their legs dangling over the sides. Adam played with the diaper he was wearing, getting himself to cum into the front of his diaper. Then Adam relaxed, his energy exhausted as he lay there waiting for the trash truck to come the next morning. Jake, fell asleep sometime during the evening. The cool night air seemed to calm him, coaxing him into a deep slumber. The next morning, the sun rose and the rays shone upon the toters and the green grass that grew along side the curb underneath the toters, glistening with dew drops, seemed to sparkle. Somewhere off in the distance, the blue front-end loader with a curotto can was making it's rounds within the neighborhood. The sounds of the truck dumping cans and the brakes screeching and squealing woke Adam up. Adam's hear began to quicken, panic began to wash over him. As the truck seemed to come closer and closer, Adam wondered what was going to happen to him! Would he die inside the compacted load or would he still be alive as the load was dumped out of the truck later on? It was a few minutes later that Adam was able to catch a glimpse of the big, noisy, trash truck with this big bucket thing in front of it. There was an arm that reached out, grabbed each toter, raised it, tipped it over and dumped the contents into the can thing in front. This happened over and over with each tote before the truck stopped next door to empty the toters there before it drove up to the row of four full toters with Adam and Jake inside with their legs dangling over the sides. The first toter was grabbed, tipped and dumped into the curotto can. Then the arm reached out, grabbed Adam's toter and before Adam could react, he found himself laying in a pile of bagged trash with diapers, onesies, pajamas, cloth diapers, diaper bags, packages of clean disposable diapers piled up on top of him, almost completely covering him. The driver, watched as Adam fell into the curotto can and was covered by diaper-trash. 

Adam: Whoooooah!!!! Oooof! Uuuuuh! 

Then, the can was full so the driver raised the can into the air, and dumped Adam, the diapers and other trash into the hopper. The driver didn't care what was in the load, as long as it wasn't car batteries and prohibited materials. 

Adam: HEY! Wait! Stop! Whoooooooaaaah....AAAA....oooof! 

Adam fell down into the hopper, falling only 2 and a half feet since the hopper had loads dumped into it that were not compacted yet. Adam landed onto his belly and immediately was pummeled by the loads of diapers and trash from below him. Then, the curotto can went back down as the driver hit the red compactor button on a panel to his right inside the cab. Inside the hopper, the compactor blade began to advance on Adam, the loads of diapers and trash as the driver watched the blade advance. 
The blade pushed on, and caused everything to start bunching up as the rectangular, flat edge of the blade near the bottom began to crush the diapers and Adam. Adam's diaper began to bunch up more and more between his legs, and his butt, his legs spreading further and further apart as he was pressed into black and white trash bags of diapers and other trash. Adam was pushed across the smooth, metal floor of the hopper as he lay on lots and lots of loose disposable diapers, black and white force-flex bags of diapers, that were beginning to bunch up as his face was pressed against the stinky, dirty, crinkly plastic of the bags already inside. 
Some of the diapers and bags of diapers and trash began to rise up above the compactor and upwards towards the edges of the open hopper as the compactor blade pushed against the loads inside. 
Adam turned his head to the right as the compactor blade pushed some of the bags of diapers and trash against him. For four seconds, it felt as if his entire body was going to burst! Almost as if a 1972 Cadillac Sedan DeVille was lowered down upon him!!! Then, the compactor blade began to retract allowing Adam, bags of diapers and trash to fall back into the hopper again. 

Adam: (Thud!!) Oof! UH! My......di....apers!!!! 

Then, the truck moved forward to continue dumping more toters full of trash and some diapers along it's residential route. 

A work still in progress.......
