The McNeilus Autoreach Side loader.


A story about how @medicalgarbage would actually take me as waste in his trash truck. This story is for @medicalgarbage on YouTube. 


As Josh's mom diapered him one last time before she was going to throw him and his cloth pre-fold diapers,

his wet disposable diapers, 

all of his onesie bodysuits, his two-piece pajamas, his white T-shirts, and all of the leftover opened packs of disposable diapers
into the trash toters for disposal, 
Josh wondered what was going to happen to him and what being thrown away was going to be like. He didn't want to be thrown away with the wet and squishy diapers but his mom and dad had tried in vain to find anyone who would adopt him and they tried to even put him into a facility of some kind but there just was none available that would allow Josh to be cared for with his health problems. There just ....were no other options. So, Josh's mom and dad went and spoke with their trash collector, known on YouTube as; @medicalgarbage and @medicalgarbage went and spoke with their bosses and then their bosses and the landfill before one of them approved of throwing Josh away in the trash. 
Josh used a lot of diapers at each change. His mom used three pre-fold cloth diapers inside each of his disposable diapers to boost absorbency. She usually washed the cloth diapers after a few days. This time, she began to leave the wet cloth pre-fold diapers inside each wet disposable diaper, tossing them right into the 32 gallon trash can each time. Josh's mom began to gather up all of his remaining 60 cloth pre-fold diapers in four 14 gallon diaper pails and she put them all by the front door so that she could take them out to one of the toters and empty all of them into the toter later. 

Ashley: (Josh's mom) Honey, I ......know how difficult this will be for you. You and all of your diapers and things will be thrown away. Our .....trash man will take you to the nice landfill where they will bury you and them. Your father suggested that we throw you away. I don't like this .....any more than.....YOU do! You have to understand.......we have.....NO....mother options at this point! 

Josh: Noooo! Mooooom!!!! Please! Don't.....DO....this!!!! I .......I......don't wanna be .....thrown away with the wet diapers!!!! Please? 

Ashley: Sorry honey, too late! Plans have been maid and people have been paid! 

Josh: But...mommy! When are you throwing my diapers and I away? 

Ashley: Oh, sometime tonight, trash day is tomorrow morning. I want the trash to be out and waiting by the morning. I don't know what time our trash man is coming. 

Josh: me getting thrown away when the trash man comes? 

Ashley: I may .....from inside the house. 

Josh: Mom?

Ashley: baby, I need to ...stuff your.....used wipes into your.....diaper. 

Ashley takes the large wad of used wipes and she opens Josh's leg elastics on the left side of his diaper and then stuffs the wad of used wipes into his clean diaper and they get crammed into the front of his diaper. 

Josh: UUUUUH!!!! Moooom! Why .......did do.....that? 

Ashley: Be....cause baby, you are going to the same trash can that they are. I don't really care which diaper I put them into! Now, it's time to......take your diaper-trash out to the toter. (Reaching over and grabbing Josh's left wrist in her right hand.) Come baby ....want me take out your cloth pre-fold diapers to the trash? 

Josh:! Do I.....HAVE 

Ashley: No, you don't have to.....I can just ....take you out to the toter and put you in then come back and......empty your pails into your toter. 
Is that.....what you want? 

Josh: I..... don't wanna help with my diapers mom! 

Ashley: Then, in the ....toter you and those diapers of yours......will go then. Sorry about this....... let's go! It's disposal time! 

Ashley, Josh's mom grabbed his right wrist in her left hand and then led Josh through his bedroom doorway, through the living room, through the front doorway then down the two steps and over the green grass lawn of their home to one of the two toters that had been rolled to the curb. 
Then, once Ashley and Josh were standing in front of the toter, she reached under his arms and picked his skinny diapered butt up and helped him get into the toter. As Josh climbed in and then turned into his back letting his legs dangle from the right side of the toter, Ashley held the toter steady. Then, once Josh was comfortable, Ashley turned and walked back towards the house to get the four 14 gallon diaper pails and get them emptied into the toter that Josh was now in. 
As Ashley brought the first diaper pail to the toter, she picked it up and dumped all of the diapers in on top of Josh. 

Josh: HEEEY! MOOOOM! Quit that! 

Ashley: Sorry baby, you will JUST.......have to put up with the diapers all over you until the trash truck comes! There is still enough room in there for some more of your diapers. I still have....three more diapers pails left to empty and.....the 32 gallon can full of your disposable diapers to empty. You have to....stay in there sweetheart. You will spend the rest of tonight in this toter with your.....diapers. 

Ashley turns and takes the empty pail back to the house then brings the second one out and then empties the cloth pre-fold diapers into the toter in a heap before bringing the empty pail back inside and bringing the third heavy pail out and dumping the diapers out and into the toter around Josh's head. 
Then Josh's mom went to bring the fourth and last diaper pail out to empty it. Once she had dumped the pail, she gave the diapers a good packing down and moved a few around so that they wouldn't fall out. Then, she left for a bit and then returned dragging the heavy 32 gallon can full of Josh's disposable diapers with the wet cloth diapers still side them. 
She dumped half of the diapers into Josh's toter before opening the lid of the toter next to him and dumping the rest of the diapers into it. Once the 32 gallon can was empty, she carried it over to the backyard where she kept it and then went back to Josh's room to gather up all of the leftover packages of clean disposable diapers. Josh's mom began to sigh in relief as she took four packs of his diapers out to Josh's toter to put them in. Then Josh's mom brought out all of Josh's onesie bodysuits, his  two-piece pajamas, the four pair of plastic pants, cloth diapers covers and all of his T-shirts out to the toters. Ashley began to hand-toss everything into the toters a little at a time so as not to overfill the toters because their trash man hated it when the toters were overfilled because stuff would fall out and make a big mess. 
Ashley finished tossing the remaining clothing and a few cloth pre-fold diapers into the toter then she left to return to the house for the rest of the night. Josh layed there covered by cloth and disposable diapers, as well as clothing wondering how his disposal would go. Soon, he drifted off to sleep. 
Sometime in the morning, Josh woke to the sounds of a loud diesel truck banging cans and he knew, right then, that soon the big, white, trash truck was going to come. 

@medicalgarbage drove his McNeilus AutoReach Garbage truck to each stop, dumped the trash then went to the next stop. Before too long, he pulled up to a row of two toters, both with their lids flipped open and one toter had a pair of legs dangling over the side. 
Medicalgarbage uses the AutoReach arm to grab the first toter next to the one that Josh is in and he dumps the diapers and trash into the hopper. Then the toter comes back down and is put back. Then @medicalgarbage pulls forward a little then uses the AutoReach arm to grab the toter that Josh is in and he watches as Josh and his diapers fly into the hopper and is covered by diapers in the hopper via a screen inside the cab. 

Josh: woaaah, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Ooooof! Uh! 

Josh is flung into the hopper and lands with a thud on top of the compactor blade and is immediately pummeled by an avalanche of diapers, onesie bodysuits, two-piece pajamas, wet and clean cloth pre-fold diapers and plastic pants as well as opened packages of Josh's disposable diapers. @medicalgarbage shrugged his shoulders as the empty can came back down and was put back. 
Then @medicalgarbage drove to the next stop a few feet away and dumped two more toters full of trash into the hopper. Large black and white trash bags were flung into the hopper hitting Josh and a few bouncing off and rolling to his sides before the compactor blade began to push the diapers and trash into the opening of the packer container. Josh's diaper began to push upwards between his legs and scrunched up and began to bunch up, folding some of the diaper over his diapered butt as the compactor blade advanced! Josh was forced to roll onto his left side as the compactor continued to advance, and then he was forced to do a face-plant into some crinkly white trash bags that eventually burst open, spilling out the contents, which were mostly rolled up wet Pampers diapers. Then the compactor squeezed the load of diapers and other regular trash hard, for about 3-4 seconds before it began to retract just in time for another toter-load to be flung into the hopper, four large black crinkly trash bags fell inside the hopper and then the truck pulled forward to the next stop. Then a few seconds later, another toter-load of some loose diapers, beer bottles ( ...and why is it, that father's drink so much alcohol when their children are around??? Why do Beer and diapers seem to show up in trash together most often? What? Being a happy sober father isn't enough?) and some stained and old looking onesie bodysuits fell down into the hopper. 
Then the second toter-load was dumped in then the compactor started again. This time, Josh was pushed half way across the hopper before his diapered body suddenly rose upwards as the compactor began to make contact with the full bags of trash, creating some resistance that caused some of his diapers and other items to rise and then fall down on top of the blade, riding it and rolling and tumbling some as the blade continued forwards. Then, as the compactor blade began to retract, Josh's body rolled over onto his side then rolled into his back as he fell down into the hopper with more diapers, trash bags, falling down onto his body. Then two more full toters were dumped in, spilling trash all over Josh before the truck lurched forward and drove to the next stop. Then, one more toter was dumped in, spilling out blue bags full of diapers, a baby seat, a few old diaper bags which still had a few diapers and wipes still inside, and large bags of trash which fell down all over Josh, completely covering him from head to toe. Then the compactor began to run it's cycle, pushing the diapers, trash and Josh up against the loads inside the container. Josh grunted and groaned under the pressure, 900 lbs/yard and the compactor cycle takes 12 seconds to cycle as Josh is caught in between bags of trash and loose diapers. Josh's diaper bunched up between his legs again, folding over and bunching up against the back of his diapered butt as his legs were forced apart as two large trash bags forced their way against the plastic-backed disposable diaper. 

As the compactor pushed in and held at full extension for 4 seconds, Josh felt his wet diaper bunching up, crumpling up and folding up backwards with the plastic-backing folding up against itself. Then the compactor began to retract as the bags of trash and diapers as well as Josh began to spring back into the hopper. Then another full toter was emptied in, then it went down as the truck lurched forward and stopped at the next toter. Then that toter was emptied and then it went down as the truck drove to the next stop. This repeated until the hopper was full enough to start the compactor cycle again. This time, Josh and the bags of trash and diapers were covered head to toe with loads of trash bags and wet, cold, slimy diaper gels and padding from diapers that had burst. Josh now had the slimy, cold, wet diaper gels and padding all over him, in his hair, all over his back and chest, some of it running down to his thighs. Load after load, stop after stop, more and more trash and quite a few diapers, bags full of diapers, a few child car seats, a stroller or two, six diaper bags, some that looked as though they had been thrown away with everything still inside, including a few baby powder bottles with some powder still in them, were tossed in and compacted. As the diaper bags with the bottles of baby powder were compacted, puffs of baby powder began to fill the hopper air as the powder rained back down onto the diapers and trash. The baby powder dust coated Josh, the diapers and trash as the 12 second compactor cycle was midway into squishing Josh, the trash and his diapers. 
Soon, Josh was caught between loads of bags of trash that have now burst open and discarded items were now coming out of the holes ripped and blown out under the 900 lbs per yard of pressure. Some of the wettest diapers even burst under this pressure, oozing padding and gels all over the place and getting all over Josh inside the container. As @medicalgarbage drives to each stop, dumps each toter, he wonders how the transfer station is going to deal with his diapered trash. He wonders if they will take him or will they remove him from the waste stream. 

Story still in development........
