Written without the assistance of AI, by: Prince Adam Bin Alwaleed-of Saudi Arabia.
For Daniel Newell and his wife.
Stationary Roto-packer
Stationary Roto-packer -2
Auger Compactor
Auger Compactor-2
Trash gets smashed by auger
Adam and Joe were little midgets who have worn diapers since birth. Their mom and dad had called misses Newell and asked about their disposal program. Misses Newell explained some of the plans to both of Adam and Joe's mom and dad but misses Newell encouraged them to bring both Adam and Joe to the home daycare for disposal. She explained that her husband did all of the disposal transporting in his trash trucks. Daniel had two trash trucks, one rear loader,
and a used side loading roto-packer.
The roto packer was being used on Daniel Newell's home daycare route that also had 10 commercial daycares on the route that disposed of a lot of diapers and quite a few diapered clients each week in toters. The home daycares along the route often had their diapered ones wearing thick and bulky cloth diapers or wet and saggy, soaked disposable diapers. Daniel didn't care which they wore, they all were going to the same waste-to-energy plant anyhow.
Adam and Joe were twin brothers. Joe came to the daycare wearing thick and bulky vintage Huggies diapers https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2Fretro-adverts--294211788158255499%2F&psig=AOvVaw201ye53O96i8EQun5Bypmr&ust=1717613857023000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCLCFgbLQwoYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
while Adam came wearing vintage Luvs Deluxe for boys printed diapers.
Their mom left their leftover packs of Luvs (half a mega pack; about 24 diapers)
and half a mega pack of vintage Huggies diapers.
Each boy also was left with over 10 packs of wipes
each and two wipes containers each,
along with their strollers, all of their onesies, two-piece pajamas, two diaper bags each, which both had extra diapers, baby powder bottles, bottles to drink, baby lotion, wipes, and tape to repair any torn disposable diapers or fix unsticky tapes.
Misses Newell moved both Adam and Joe to the places where they would be kept until their disposals. Adam was taken to an old Graco playpen
and put inside then Joe was taken to the crib next to the playpen and put into it before the side was locked.
Misses Newell noticed that Adam was wearing a wet and saggy Luvs deluxe diaper.
Misses Newell: welcome to our daycare hun, I see that you have a wet diaper on, want me to change it for you?
Adam: Yes miss, I have been wearing this one for a while.
Misses Newell: I can....see that. While you are here, you will wear only your diapers and your onesie will be thrown away with that wet diaper. I will also let you wear the rest of your onesies so that they get dirty before I dispose of them. If you don't want to wear them, I will just throw them away.
Adam: Why miss?
Misses Newell: Because hun, you won't be needing them where you and your diapers are going. My husband owns you and your things. I am just here to help change your diapers so you can use up as many diapers as you can before he comes and takes you and our daycare trash.
Adam: Where will my diapers and I be taken before your husband gets us?
Misses Newell: In one of our four toters.
Each week, we fill up the four toters with trash and diapers. Two of the toters we use strictly for diapers. I think you will be going into one of them.
Adam: Does it matter if my diaper is wet or not when it's time to take my diapers and I out to the trash toter?
Misses Newell: No hun, it doesn't.
Adam: Do I get to decide when I get disposed of?
Misses Newell: Um, usually not, however, if you want to be disposed of early, then I am sure we can work something out. You would just be in the toter longer is all.
Adam: Will I get my diaper changed once I am in one of the diaper pails or the toter?
Misses Newell: No, you won't. We don't clean up the trash. You will just go in what you have on.
Adam: Do I have a choice if I am thrown away or not?
Misses Newell: No hon, you don't. Your mom and dad paid us to throw you away. You and what is leftover, your leftover prescription diapers, (All leftover prescriptions MUST be thrown away by law) all of your onesies, pajamas, your diaper bags, stroller, leftover baby wipes, since we certainly have enough here.
Adam: Are you going to watch my diapers and I being thrown into your husband's trash truck?
Misses Newell: Yes, I will. I will even bring out some more diapers and maybe I will even bring out your leftover diapers and put them in myself and watch as the roto-packer takes you and everything.
Adam: Will you be there to watch as the waste-to-energy plant disposes of me?
Misses Newell: No baby, I won't. My husband will be though. He usually can get the crane operator to take you and the load right away. If for some reason he can't, you and the load will be scraped into a large pit and mixed with other trash until you and the diapers are dry enough to be loaded into an intake chute. You and your diapers, whatever is left of them, will wait there until the furnace door slides open and let's you and trash fall down inside.
Adam : You mean to tell me, that....my diapers and I are going to be burned even if I am still alive?
Misses Newell : YYYYep!!!! That is exactly what is going to happen.
Misses Newell unfastens the tapes on the front of Adam's diaper and brings the front of his diaper down laying it open flat, exposing the half wet padding before pulling the wet diaper out from under him, opening another Luvs Deluxe for boys printed diaper, lifting Adam up and sliding the dry open diaper under him. She opened one pack of Huggies scented wipes and began using over 10 wipes to clean Adam up, dropping each of the used wipes into the dry padding of his clean Luvs diaper.
Adam: How come......you put the dirty wipes into my clean diaper miss?
Misses Newell: Be....cause Hun, it doesn't matter which diaper I put them into, you and they are all going to the same place. One of our trash toters.
Adam: So....I...HAVE to go?
Misses Newell: Unfortunately, yes Hun, you have no choice! My husband and I can't wait to get you, your diapers and things to the nice waste-to-energy plant.
Adam: What does your husband say?
Misses Newell: He and I both.....can't wait to see what his roto-packer does to you and the diapers! He is excited about you being the first to be disposed of in his new trash truck quite frankly.
Adam: He.....said that? You can't wait to dispose of my diapers and I too?
Misses Newell: Yes sweetie, you will be.....the first diapered one to be disposed of in my husband's new truck. We both want to know what it will do to you and the diapers and trash. I...think that the packer blades will cut your diaper off as it gets bounced around inside the packer container. You may get to the waste-to-energy plant wearing no diaper at all with slimy, wet diaper padding all....over you!
Adam: Which truck will my brother go into?
Misses Newell: He will go into my husband's rear loader. He is going to be going into our kitchen compactor as well before we take him and the diapers out to wait for my husband's rear loader to take him. My husband and I are looking forward to disposing of you, your things and the leftover prescription diapers of yours!!! You are going to be my husband's trash. You belong to him. When my husband comes home, he will be in charge of changing your diapers and if he wants you in the trash, he will take you out and you will spend from then until he comes to take ya to the waste-to-energy plant.
Adam: Do either of you care what diaper or how many diapers I am wearing?
Misses Newell: Nope! It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if they are wet or not either! Once I take you for disposal, you have to stay in what you have got on.
Adam: But, but miss! What if my diaper is so wet that it leaks and sags between my legs?
Misses Newell: Sorry, you will be disposed of in whatever diapers you have on no matter what!
Misses Newell shakes some baby powder onto Adam's pelvis and into his diaper knowing that it will clump up once wet. Then she pulls Adam's diaper up and fastens the tapes.
Misses Newell: Don't worry sweetie, your diapers are trash and so are you. There you are, all.....nice and comfy. I will change your diaper again in an hour. I am giving you a diuretic in your drinks so that you will wet more diapers. (Handing Adam one of his bottles) now, I want the juice in here all gone then I will refill it for you. Make us lots of nice wet diapers sweetie, so that you and your diapers and things can be disposed of sooner.
Misses Newell helps Adam up to his feet then helps him back into the dirty and old playpen he is being kept in until disposal. Misses Newell then goes over to Joey's crib and lets the side down.
Misses Newell: Hey sweetie, it's diaper changing time. Let's get you all....nice and cleaned up....ok? My! Your diaper is very wet! Good boy!
Joe: Miss? Since I am being thrown away, I want to know if I can be disposed of earlier if I wanted to.
Misses Newell: I will have to ask my husband if that is ok, he owns you and he decides when you get disposed of. If he says ok, then I will come take you to our nice kitchen compactor and load you and some diapers into it and run a bunch of compactor cycles.
Joe: Will he check my diapers to see if they are wet before I am taken to the compactor?
Misses Newell: He usually does check your diapers before loading you. He likes it when your diapers are squishy enough to burst in our kitchen compactor. When we start the compactor, some of the wettest diapers and pull-ups will pop and burst, oozing slimy, wet padding all over you. That helps get you ready for the waste-to-energy plant to be burned.
Joe: What if the waste-to-energy plant won't take me?
Misses Newell: Then you and the loads will go to the landfill. I might ask my husband to bring that load back here so that I can burn you and the diapers in our burn barrel. Sometimes we do that. We don't do that much any more.
Joe: How come my onesies, pajamas, shirts and plastic pants are being thrown away??
Misses Newell: Because, you won't be using them while you are here. It's just easier to check and change your diapers when that's all you have on sweetie.
Misses Newell helps Joey down from the crib and lays him down on the floor next to his crib. She puts the vintage thick, white Huggies diaper and the wipes down beside Joey before reaching over to unfastens the tapes of his diaper. Then she pulls the front of his wet diaper down and pulls it out from under him, folding it over before putting the diaper down onto Joey's chest. Then she opens the thick, bulky vintage Huggies diaper and slides it underneath Joey. Then she begins opening the wipes container taking out a wad of wipes which she uses to clean Joey up, dropping each used wipe into the clean and dry padding in the crotch of his diaper until there was a pile. Then she shook a lot of baby powder onto Joey's diaper and pelvis before pulling the front of his diaper up and fastened the tapes.
Misses Newell: There...ya go, all...nice and comfy! Now, you have to stay in your crib for a while longer while I do story time for everyone. I need you to drink these two baby bottles of juice for me, so that you make more wet diapers for trash day.
Joey: Will I have to watch my brother being disposed of?
Misses Newell: Yes, my husband wants you to, so, you will. Both of us like watching you and your diapers being compacted. My husband wants you to see what happens with your brother and the diapers.
Misses Newell walks away and goes to greet the mother and father whom brought their diapered daughter to be disposed of. The daughter came in wearing a pink onesie, thick, bulky youth sized Crinklz diapers that crinkled loudly as she walked. Her diaper bags were filled with the usual powder, wipes and clean disposable crinclz diapers.
As misses Newell came over to greet the mother and father, she grabbed a clipboard with all of the necessary custody release forms, disposal options and any special notes for disposal of their diapered daughter.
Misses Newell: Hi, welcome to my daycare. Are you here to drop off your daughter?
Mom: Yes, we heard from a friend of ours that you can help us with our little problem. We can't diaper our daughter any more, diapers these days are too expensive.
Misses Newell: OH we completely understand how you feel. We have a special program that allows us to dispose of diapers and any unwanted little diapered ones. My husband and I disposed of three of our unwanted diapered ones as well as countless others that were brought here. My husband has disposed of a lot of other unwanted diapered ones and their diapers. We can dispose of your diapered one here. We use one of two trash trucks, our rear loader or our new Roto-packer side loader. Your diapered one will go into one of these trucks.
Dad: Will she have her diapers changed before disposal?
Misses Newell: We generally wait until their diapers are wet or messy before disposal. If you want to have her disposed of in a dry diaper, that will be fine.
Mom: We will bring our other diapered one here for disposal tomorrow since he is at his grandmother's house now and she is watching him while we do this. He is about the size of a toddler or so.
Misses Newell: Would....you like us to put the next one into our....kitchen compactor with other diapers? We offer this as one of our services.
Mom: (looking at her husband for approval) Um, yeah, sure. If he can fit, go ahead. All we want is to make sure these two get disposed of. Here, do you take debit cards?
Misses Newell: We sure do. (Pulling out her phone and opening the Square app and inserting the card swiper into the headphone jack)
Mom: How much is this all going to cost?
Misses Newell: Well, for my....daycare services for two weeks, it will cost $800. For my husband's trash service, it will cost $150. Total is $950. This is for each of the diapered ones you want us to dispose of. So, do you want to pay for both of your unwanted diapered ones now or pay when you bring the second one?
Dad: We will pay for both now, honey, give her your debit card.
Misses Newell: I must tell you about my diaper changing fees if there are any.....special instructions that need to be addressed.
Mom: How much is your fee?
Misses Newell: $60
Mom: That's not bad, charge me for everything.
Misses Newell takes the debit card and swipes it. The money goes instantly to the Newell bank account.
Misses Newell: Thank you. We will take your diapered one and her diapers, clothing, stroller, diaper bags, the playpen, and these cloth diapers and we will dispose of them all. I MUST tell you that we don't use cloth diapers here, so....if she is wearing any, please change her into disposable diapers.
Mom: She is wearing only her disposable. We only used the cloth diapers at home. Since she is being disposed of, we brought them here.
Misses Newell: I will throw these cloth diapers away soon as we get everything situated. We look forward to disposing of your two diapered ones. (Taking the thickly diapered girl still wearing the white, stained up onesie, a pair of shorts, and thick, bulky youth sized Tykabkes diapers over to the third crib, lowering the side and putting her in.)
Misses Newell: Hi there sweetie, What is your name? Come with me, I will take you to your crib where you will be staying until it is time for your disposal.
Amy: My name is Amy miss. What does ....disposal mean?
Misses Newell: It means.....that you and all of your diapers and things are being thrown away.
Amy: In the.. trash?
Misses Newell: I'm afraid so hon, your mom and dad paid my husband and I to throw you and everything away.
Amy: How long will I be here?
Misses Newell: OH....about a week, maybe two. You have to make us as many wet and squishy diapers for disposal between now and then. I hope you will use up those Tykabkes diapers while you are here. They look cute and they are nice and thick. Thick diapers will be nice and squishy when wet.
Misses Newell reaches into the open crib and begins taking Amy's shorts off, tossing them to the floor, then she unsnaps the snaps in the crotch of her stained up white onesie. Then she took her onesie off and tossed it on the floor on top of her shorts.
Amy: How come you are taking my shorts and onesie off?
Misses Newell: We like you to wear just your diapers while you are here. Your onesie and shorts will be thrown away after I am done changing your diaper. Ok.... let's get you into a nice, comfy dry diaper, alright?
Amy: Is my.....brother coming here too? I heard my mom say that he is.
Misses Newell: Yes, he IS. He will be getting disposed of in our kitchen compactor when it's his turn for disposal. Your mom wrote in the notes, that he is a heavy and frequent wetter. He uses a lot of diapers which is why your mom and dad are throwing him away.
Amy: Will....I be going to the kitchen compactor too?
Misses Newell: No, you are too big to fit in there.
Amy: Which trash truck am I being thrown away in?
Misses Newell: My husband will decide that when it's your turn to be disposed of.
Misses Newell takes one of the thick Tykabkes youth sized diapers,
grabs two packs of her baby wipes, and brings them over to the open crib to begin changing her diaper. She unfastens the tapes and pulls the front of the diaper down and open flat before pulling it out from under Amy before folding the diaper over and dropping it on top of the onesie and shorts. Then she opens the clean disposable diaper, lifts Amy then slides the diaper under her. Then she opens the wipes and starts wiping Amy clean, dropping each used wipe into the clean diaper.
Amy: Why are you putting the wipes into my clean diaper?
Misses Newell: Well, hon, it doesn't matter which diaper the wipes go into. Eventually, you, your diapers and the wipes will all be going to the same place. Do....you like baby powder in your diapers?
Amy: Sometimes I do, mostly, I like my diapers without.
Misses Newell: OK, Good to know. I will remember that. Do.....you want to....save your wet diapers or throw them away?
Amy: Throw them away.
Misses Newell: Good. I will toss your diapers into the diaper pail. Now, you have to stay in that crib until someone gets you out. I want you to drink as many bottles or sippy cups as you can, the more wet diapers you make, the better for your disposal.
Amy: Do I have to.....watch my brother being compacted?
Misses Newell: Sure, I don't have a problem with that. I will come get you, if you haven't been disposed of, so you can see what happens. You will get some playtime while you are here, and you will take naps as well as participating in storytime. I will change your diapers every hour until your disposal, wet or not.
Amy: Even if....my diapers are not wet?
Misses Newell: Yes, even then.
Misses Newell pulls the front of Amy's diaper up, fastens the tapes as the wads of wipes inside her diaper begin to poke out through her right leg elastics in the crotch of her diaper before misses Newell puts Amy into her crib, raises the side and then walks away. Naptime comes and the three diapered ones lay in their cribs and the playpen quietly. Adam falls to sleep as does Amy. An hour goes by and Misses Newell comes over to Adam in the old, dirty Graco playpen that has rips and tears in the netting, and wakes Adam up to change his diaper, even if it wasn't wet.
Misses Newell: Hey sweetie, wake up. It's time to change your diaper.
Adam: (snorting and sitting up) It....is?
Misses Newell: Yes, it....is. Soon, it will be time for your disposal. As....soon as my husband gets back, he will decide when and where you and your diapers are disposed of. Ok, (helping Adam out of the playpen and to his feet before laying him down on the floor on his back.) Here, lay....down for me.....there ya go,. Now, let's see how wet or not you are.
Misses Newell unfastens the tapes and pulls the front of the diaper down then she pulls the entire diaper out from under Adam, setting it on his chest while she opened another Luvs Deluxe for boys printed diaper and slid it underneath him.
Misses Newell: Now, let's get you all wiped up. This may be... The last diaper change. Do you want a lot of baby powder and would you like to wear or not wear one of your onesies?
Adam: I do want a lot of baby powder in my diaper and do you....HAVE to....put all of those used wipes into my diaper???
Misses Newell: Yes sweetie, I do. I am going to use up the rest of your packs of wipes and I am putting them into your diaper.
Misses Newell uses over 80 wipes from four packs of wipes, dropping the wads of wipes into the clean diaper. Then she pulls the diaper up and fastens the tapes.
Misses Newell: Alright. Let me help you back into your playpen until my husband comes home. Until then, I want you to drink these bottles for me so that....you will wet that diaper and make it nice and squishy. My husband and I want your diaper to be NICE and squishy for disposal. Would you like....to play with or wear any particular diapers while you wait for my husband to come home?
Adam: Um, yes, I want the rest of my Luvs Deluxe for boys printed diapers, and the rest of the modified diapers.
Misses Newell: Ok, You can have your diapers. They all are trash anyhow.
Misses Newell brings all of those diapers over to the playpen and puts them in.
Misses Newell: That...playpen that you are in? It's also trash! Yeah! It's going to get shredded up into little pieces by the Roto Packer blades in my husband's new trash truck, just...like all of the diapers will be! I... can't WAIT until it's time for your disposal!
Adam sits down inside the playpen and then lays down. He takes a few of the clean LUVS deluxe for boys printed diapers out of the package and begins using them to make himself climax into his diaper. Misses Newell sees this and watches for a few, commenting to Adam before walking away.
Misses Newell: Better enjoy your diapers while you can, you are being thrown away as soon as my husband comes home! Those diapers better be squishy!
Adam: When IS trash day?
Misses Newell: Thursday! That will be in two days. You will be in the toter for that long. Then, I will wheel you and the four toters out to the curb the night before trash day.
Adam: Even if...my legs are dangling over the side of the toter because I won't completely fit in the toter???
Misses Newel: Yes! My husband doesn't care if your legs dangle over the side, it doesn't matter!
Misses Newell walks away and goes to change Joe's diaper, then change Amy's diaper. As soon as she changes Amy, Amy's mom and dad show up with her diapered bother to leave for disposal. Misses Newell goes to greet the mom and dad.
Misses Newell: Hi there again. Bringing us more diapers and your diapered son for disposal?
Mom: Yep. Here are....his diapers, we bought a case of them, they are youth sized diapers, we brought all of the 20 onesies, two-piece pajamas and the footed pajamas that he wears. Here is the stroller, his diaper bags, bottles, pacifiers, the six packs of baby wipes, four bottles of baby powder, and his favorite stuffed animal.
Misses Newell: Ok, good. We will....get all of this disposed of. Are there any ....special instructions or anything special we need to know about your son?
Mom: He soaks a lot of diapers and the diapers do leak despite being thick.
Misses Newell: OH, so.....he is a super-soaker? Good for disposal. Ok little one, come....with me so I can get you into your crib. I will change your diaper in a little bit. You certainly have a lot of diapers! They all are trash now. You get to use up as many as you can before it's time for your disposal.
Misses Newell leads Amy's diapered brother over to an empty crib, lowers the side rails, and motions for him to climb inside.
Misses Newell: What is your name sweetie?
Amy's diapered brother: It's Nathan miss.
Misses Newell: Nice to have you here...Nathan. I hope you use up a lot of diapers while you are here. We like it when you make plenty of nice and squishy diapers for trash disposal.
Nathan: I am being thrown away miss?
Misses Newell: Yes sweetie, you are and you and your diapers will be going into our kitchen compactor because you are small enough to fit inside. First, you will soak enough diapers to fill up two 32 gallon cans and two 13 gallon cans. Be it a week or a month, that's how long you will be here for. I will see to it that I go sort through everything that was brought here with you and everything that you aren't going to use, is going out almost immediately for disposal.
Misses Newell then turns and walks away after putting up the side of Nathan's crib. She goes over to Nathan's stuff and begins riffling through it, separating the diapers,
clothing, stroller, fully stocked diaper bags, opening the diaper bags up and pulling everything out and setting it all down on the floor. Once she checked each bag, she put the bottles,
wipes, and the diapers back inside before closing each bag. She then slung each bag over each shoulder before taking the trash bag full of clothing outside to one of the four toters, raising the lid, and emptying the contents of that bag inside before tossing the empty white force-flex trash bag in. Misses Newell carried the two diaper bags inside to the daycare where she put them on the counter where the diapers were.
Later on that evening, Daniel Newell came home from his rear loader trash truck route, after collecting a lot of diapers, onesies, pajamas, trash and quite a few unwanted diapered ones. He kissed his wife, got out of his work clothes and into the shower. After that, he came over to Adam's playpen with his wife and he looked down at Adam laying there.
Daniel: Well.....are you......ready for disposal? Let's find out.
Daniel bends over, reaches down into the playpen, grabs Adam's right arm, wrenches him to his feet, pulls Adam to the edge then reaches around and behind to look at and feel Adam's diaper.
Daniel: Ah, nice......and squishy!!! It's time....for disposal son! Here, take those....clean diapers with you, carry them to the toter that you are going into. First, let me....stuff some of those....wipes from in your wet diapers, into that diaper you are wearing. You and everything are going to the same place anyhow. I don't care....if you don't want to...you....have NO...choice! Now, quit resisting and let's get you into the toter outside... alright? Your....brother, is going to get to watch you being disposed of, so that.....he knows what will happen to him when it comes time. Ok....come with me son, it's diaper disposal time! Ah! COME.....ON! QUIT! Stand up...and WALK or I will drag you to the toter!
Adam: I....don't wanna be disposed of! Let... GO of me! Please! Let....go of me! I....I....don't WANNA go!
Adam stops walking and Daniel begins dragging Adam across the daycare floor.
Daniel: (stopping) Are you....going to walk? (Pausing to let Adam stand up and walk)
Adam slowly and reluctantly stands up and walks.
Daniel: Good....boy! Now, come with me so we can load you into your toter with your squishy diapers. I will sure enjoy disposing of.....YOU and your....stinky, squishy diapers this Thursday!
Daniel and Misses Newell walk Adam out to one of the 96 gallon toters that is already half filled with diapers, onesies, pajamas, a few opened, partly used packs of Adam's diapers, his diaper bags, and some of the diapers from the younger daycare clients while Misses Newell carries out the 32 gallon can that she had Adam's wet diapers from the two 13 gallon cans emptied into until no more would fit, with quite a few still left inside one of the 13 gallon cans. Adam reluctantly walked outside being wrenched around by his right wrist by Daniel as Misses Newell followed. Adam glanced behind him at Misses Newell and then down at the heavy 32 gallon can as he was forcefully taken outside.
Misses Newell: Keep....walking, that's it. You look like diapered trash now. You belong to Daniel. He likes disposing of you!
Daniel, Adam and Misses Newell arrive outside where the row of blue 96 gallon toters were, Daniel took Adam to the third one in the row, raised the lid and let it flip behind it while he picked Adam up and tossed him into the toter.
Adam's legs now dangled over the right side of the toter while Misses Newell came over, stood in front of the toter, then lifted the full 32 gallon can of diapers up and emptied everything into the toter on top of Adam. Diapers poured all over Adam's chest, diapered waist and some of the diapers landed around his head and across his face. Neither Misses Newell or Daniel cared though. After Misses Newell emptied the 32 gallon can of diapers, the lid came down and began resting across Adam's legs. Then, Daniel put a ratcheting strap over the toter lid so that Adam couldn't get out and to keep everything from blowing out everywhere. Then, they both told Adam good bye, before walking back into the daycare. Later on that evening once her regular clients had left for the day, misses Newell came out to the toters, released the strap, opened the lid and began tossing Adam's diapers from the 13 gallon can into the toter. Then, she tossed more of Adam's clothing, his stroller, a couple more diapers from two five gallon cans, and a few more leftover prescription diapers belonging to Adam.
Adam: Miss? Can....you bring me three bottles of mine full of juice in one, milk in one and soda in the other???
Misses Newell: I don't have a problem with that.
Misses Newell finishes emptying the diapers and then goes to fill Adam's bottles up to bring to him. Misses Newell comes back to the toter and brings Adam the three requested bottles.
Misses Newell: Here! They can stay in there with you. Now, get comfy, it's going to be a couple of days before Daniel or I wheel these toters out to the curb. (Lowering the lid, putting the ratcheting strap on then cinching it tightly.
Adam: Does that HAVE to be...so tight?
Misses Newell giggles as she leaves and returns to the daycare to change Joe's diaper and change Amy's diaper. Joe wondered where his brother went as misses Newell changed his diaper.
Joey: Miss? Where did...my brother go?
Misses Newell: He was disposed of sweetie. He was taken out to one of the toters. Soon, you too will go outside to the dumpster for disposal.
Joey: I...am going to be thrown away in a dumpster????
Misses Newell: Yes hun, that is why you are here. Your mom and dad, dropped you, your diapers and your things for disposal. You have.... NO choice!
Misses Newell changes Joey's diaper and tosses the wet diaper into the diaper pail at his headboard of his crib. Then she puts the side up and then goes to Amy's crib and lowers the side.
Misses Newell: Hi there. Are you ready for a diaper change sweetie?
Looks like you are hon, come out here and lay on the floor for me.....there ya go.....there.....now.... let's get you into a nice, comfy and dry diaper shall we?
Amy: Miss?
Misses Newell: Yes?
Amy: Am...I being thrown away like that....other boy?
Misses Newell: Yes, you are.
Amy: Are...my clean youth diapers being thrown away too?
Misses Newell: Yes, all of your diapers, regardless of their condition are being thrown away when it's time for your disposal. Even your leftover opened packs of diapers. Everything of yours is trash.
Misses Newell reaches over and begins to unfasten the tapes. She then pulls the front of Amy's diaper down and lays it open flat. Then she pulls the diaper out from underneath her and lays it folded over on Amy's chest. Then misses Newell opens the Pink Luvs Deluxe for girls Pink crinkly, plastic-backed vintage disposable diaper up, lifts Amy up and slides the diaper under her. Then misses Newell opens a brand new baby wipes pack and begins to use a lot of wipes to clean her diapering areas as she dropped each used wipe into the clean and dry padding of her diaper. Then, despite the large wads of used wipes, sticking out from the leg elastics on both sides, she pulled the diaper up and fastened the tapes.
Amy: How come, you put all of....those wipes into my clean diaper instead of my wet diaper?
Misses Newell: Because, that's how we do things around here and...it doesn't matter which diaper I put them into, you and they are all going to the same place.
While misses Newell was changing Amy's diaper, Adam outside in the toter with his legs dangling over the right side, was busy enjoying rubbing the front of his diaper with the wet and squishy diapers of his.
He climaxed hard and a lot into the front of his diaper. This relaxed him to a point that he fell into a deep slumber. A long while later sometime in the late evening after the sun had set, misses Newell brought out another full 13 gallon can to the toter. She unfastened the strap holding the lid down then flipped the lid back. Then she dumped the diapers and pull-ups into the toter on top of the piles already on top of Adam.
Misses Newell noticed that Adam was sleeping and she woke him so that he would be awake when the toter was rolled out to the curb that night once Daniel came home. Misses Newell was excited that Adam was about to be the first diapered one that was disposed of in Daniel's newer roto-pack truck the next morning. Adam didn't know it yet, but he and all of the three other toter-loads of trash, clothing, diapers were going to get all nice and sliced and diced once they got to the end of the packer inside the container. Adam might get his diaper cut off of him before he got to the covanta waste-to-energy plant, if not, he would get bounced around inside the packer container as the roto-packer turned.
Misses Newell tried to imagine this, each time, she became aroused and got hot chills through her body. Daniel got aroused thinking about disposing of all of the wet and squishy diapers. Adam was just a large bulky item that needed disposal. The fact that Adam was wearing a bulging, bulky soaked diaper, made him hot. Soon, Adam and the diapers were going to be hot items of the past, once they got to the covanta waste-to-energy plant inside the newer roto-pack truck. Misses Newell finished emptying the loads of diapers and then she flipped the lid closed again and then reapplied the ratcheting strap to hold the lid down. Then she went back into the house. Sometime, that evening, Daniel came home, later than usual. Daniel was busy checking the roto-packer truck to be sure that it was going to be ready for the next morning. Daniel went outside to the row of four full toters and began to roll them out to the curb. Adam was in the third one and he heard the toters before his being rolled away. Before long, Daniel came over to the third toter that Adam was in and began to roll it to the curb. Then he removed the ratcheting strap holding the lid down. The edges of the lid had left deep marks in Adam's thighs and as the lid's pressure released, Adam sighed in relief. He couldn't feel his legs as it was now, to Daniel and Misses Newell, it didn't matter. Adam was going to be dumped into Daniel's roto-packer hopper with the trash and diapers. He wasn't going to need the use of his legs. The toter began to tip backwards as Daniel rolled it out to the curb, around to the front of the home-daycare. The toter bumped, shimmied and rattled along the way. Adam and the diapers inside wiggled, shimmied, slid around and settled while the toter rolled. Adam's dangling legs flopped against the right side as the toter rolled.Tjen, suddenly, the toter stopped and then was set level again at the curb in a row. Then Daniel went to roll the fourth and last toter to the curb. Once the fourth toter was next to the one Adam was in, Daniel went back inside for the night. The cool night air filtered into the toter, the smells of wet diapers, baby powder and scented baby wipes filled the air looming in the toter. Adam felt anxious about what was going to happen to him. In order to relax some, he decided to try to climax again into his diaper. He was so anxious yet turned on by the soft, gooey wetness inside his diaper that it took him over ten minutes to climax. He came hard into the front of his diaper! He had used some of the soaking wet, gooey, squishy diapers to rub against the front of his diaper, the bulge underneath the bloated, soaked diaper was quickly becoming a throbbing and pulsating bulge, that was about to burst!!! As Adam came, sports of cum burst into the drier part of the front of his diaper, some of it bursting out and around his belly button, oozing out of the waistband. Adam immediately relaxed! He sighed and his arms flopped at his sides.
Adam soon fell into a deep coma-like slumber. The night quickly became early morning and as the rays of the rising sun peaked above the horizon. The morning air still cool, the raunchy smells of wetness, baby powder, scented baby wipes, looned heavily in the seni-darkness of the toter.
Adam was still sleeping as the sun rose.
Around 9:00 or so, the faint sounds of an approaching large diesel truck could be heard. Suddenly, Adam's heart rate rose, as he woke up. Adam became anxious once again. Adam's mind was racing with questions which had no answers, like what was going to happen to him, and what was being disposed of going to be like, and would he die or live. As the truck got closer and closer, Adam heard the sounds of toters being emptied into the truck and the distinct sound of an idling diesel engine. This turned Adam on from the sheer anxiety. Shortly, the truck pulled up beside the toters just as Misses Newell and Joey wearing only his soaking wet morning diaper came out to watch his brother Adam and all of the diapers getting dumped into the hopper of the roto-pack truck. Misses Newell and Joey stood just behind the row of toters, as Daniel got out of the cab, grabbed the first two toters, hooked them to the tote-tipper then started the tipper.
The toters rose up, tipped over and began spilling trash, clothing, loose cloth diapers and plastic pants belonging to Joey and Adam as well as a few opened packs of youth diapers into the hopper on top of the large, round roto-pack blades.
Most of the diapers fell down between the blades as Daniel emptied the first two toters. The roto-packer was off at this time. Daniel finished dumping the loads from the first two toters, then he put the two toters down and rolled them back to their places in the row on the curb. Then he grabbed the third toter with Adam in it and rolled it over to the tote-tipper and hooked it up before grabbing the fourth toter and doing the same. Then, as Daniel raised the toters, misses Newell commented;
Misses Newell: There... Goes your brother! Say bye-bye baby. He and... the diapers are going to the waste-to-energy plant for disposable
Joey: PLEASE please let him go!
Misses Newell: Not.....A ...CHANCE! He is garbage and he is going to make lots and lots of electricity!!!!!
Adam falls down on top of the circular, round packer blades and then falls down between two of them, the side of his diaper being ripped a little bit as the onesies, two-piece pajamas, wet, gooey, squishy diapers fell out on top of him. Then, Daniel started the packer cycle. The round blades began to turn and rotate, like a screw. The blades pushed Adam and the loads deep into the container, Adam inside was being flipped, flopped and tossed around and around as if he were in a wash tub. His diaper being beaten and torn.
Joey: NOOOOOO!!! Uuuuuh!
Misses Newell: Soon, it will be...YOUR turn to be disposed of. You might go into that truck or you might go into our....rear loader. That's up to my husband. Now, let's go back inside and get YOUR.....diaper changed, shall we?
Misses Newell takes Joey into the daycare part of their home and changes his wet morning diaper while Daniel jumps back into the cab and goes to the next stop, another home daycare which is disposing of two diapered disposees and their diapers and clothing.
Daniel pulls up to the row of four toters and jumps out of the cab. There is a lady standing around holding hands with two thickly diapered boys, waiting for the trash truck to come.
The woman had brought the two boys out for disposal to meet the trash man who would dispose of them, their clothing, their diaper bags, diapers, and strollers. The woman had to be sure that the two diapered boys got out into the trash truck.
Daniel jumps out of the cab, grabs the first toter and rolls it to the tote-tipper and hooks it up then he goes over to the second toter and rolls it over to the tote-tipper and hooks it up. He flips the lids opens then dumps the loads into the hopper. Bags of diapers fall into the moving roto-packer blades, bursting open and spilling out all of the contents in between the blades as the diapers, clothing and the torn bags get screwed into the container near the rear of the truck. Then, he puts the two toters back and comes over to the woman with the two diapered boys.
Daniel Newell: Ready to go into my truck?
He reaches under the first boy's arms with his dirty work gloves and picks the diapered boy up.
Diapered Boy: No! Stop it! Put me down! Noooo! Let...GO of me!
He carries him, feet dangling in the air, over to the side of his roto-packer truck and then he lifts him up and tossed the boy and his diaper in between two of the blades. The boy and his diaper then were slid across the smooth, metal floor of the hopper and container on his way into the back of the truck where the other loads of diapers and trash were being flipped, tossed, some got sliced and diced as the edges of the turning blades cut them open, spilling out wet, gooey, slimy, squishy diaper padding and gels. The boy's diaper came unfastened on one side and the tape stuck itself to other diapers in the load while other tapes stuck themselves to what was left of his diaper.
Meanwhile, back at the Newell home daycare, misses Newell talked to her husband via text and it was time for Joey to go into the kitchen compactor.
Misses Newell came over to Joey's crib, let the side down and helped Joey out of it.
Misses Newell: Alright sweetie, guess what time it is?
Joey: (Scooting himself out of the crib)
What time is it? Diaper changing time?
Misses Newell: No, it's time for....your disposal. (Pulling back the waistband of Joey's diaper to check it for wetness) Ah ha, good for you. Your...diaper is nice and wet. PERFECT for the compactor. Now....come....with me, you need to have some of that.....wetness squeeeeezed out of that wet diaper of yours!
Misses Newell grabs Joey's right hand in her left hand and she takes Joey to the kitchen where their trash compactor is.
Misses Newell: Now, you will fit in here.....quite nicely. Do....you need any....help getting in, or....would you like to get in on your own?
Joey: You can help me....Miss.
Misses Newell: Ok....(She unlocks the compactor, slides it open, then helps Joey sit down then lay down inside the small metal container lined with a white compactor trash bag, on top of the compacted diapers and other trash inside.) There.....ya go.....now, time to.......run a few cycles before I load more diapers in there on top of you.
diapers crushed In Compactor
More Diapers Being Crushed
Misses Newell then slides the compactor door closed and locks it. She selects the start button and starts the compactor. The compactor begins to whine as it begins is malicious decent downwards, slowly, incrementally before it began to press down onto Joey's body. Joey frowned and moaned as the pressure grew. The diapers below him began to scruntch together under the pressure. Then, a few of the wettest diapers burst, splattering the gooey, cold, slimy squishiness all over the back of Joey's head, and back. The compactor blade stayed down for four seconds before it began to accend back up to it's starting position. Then, a few minutes later, the compactor door slid open, and Misses Newell stood there about to empty a 13 gallon trash can into the compactor on top of Joey.
Misses Newell begins taking diapers from the 13 gallon can, and tossed them into the compactor on top of Joey.
Joey: UHHH! Eeeew! Wet, stinky diapers!!!
Misses Newell: Get...used to it. You are trash now. (Still loading diapers into the compactor)
Joey: I think...something...slimy got ALL...over me!
Misses Newell: Good! It means that some of the diapers burst.
Joey: Do you think MY diaper will burst?
Misses Newell: Hard to tell. We shall see once the compactor cycles are done. I will check you to make sure.
Misses Newell loads in as many diapers as she can, before she slid the compactor closed and under the compactor blade. Misses Newell started the compactor again and it came down slowly. The compactor crushed Joey and the diapers hard! Joey groaned and moaned under the nearly 2,750 lbs per square inch. Joey couldn't breathe as the compactor began to crush him and the diapers. Compacting Joey and the diapers, results in reducing the volume of household waste to almost 80%, thereby decreasing its impact on landfills and the environment. The wettest disposable diapers burst open under the extreme pressure exurted by the compactor. Joey's diaper got crushed by the diapers on top of it, and that were between his legs. Misses Newell pushed the start button four times, starting four different cycles in a row. Then, once the last compactor cycle ended, there was about 15 minutes of silence before Misses Newell walked up, unlocked the door, slid it open, then added a bunch of the Adult Baby Pampers diapers in on top of Joey.
Joey: HEY! Those are my....clean diapers!
Misses Newell: Yes hon, they are trash.
Misses Newell tossed in eight diapers before sliding the door closed again and then she started more compactor cycles.
Once the second compactor cycle ended, Misses Newell, opened the compactor door, slid it open, then moved some of the diapers aside and away from Joey's diaper so she could clearly see if his diaper had burst yet or not.
She inserted two fingers into the right leg elastics and felt around inside for rips and tears in the liner. Not finding any, she moved the diapers she had moved aside back where they were before adding more of Joey's larger diapers.
Once she was done, Misses Newell slid the compactor door closed again and then she started the compactor.
Joey: Uuuuuh! Man!!!!! Not....again! Uuuuuh!
Misses Newell sighed then felt satisfied that Joey was getting more compacting. She felt happy to get rid of the diapers too. It didn't matter that the diapers were clean or not, they were trash! Misses Newell ran 6 cycles of the compactor because the container was getting full. Once the sixth and last compactor cycle ended, it became quiet inside the compactor, some crinkling of the plastic compactor bag lining the container and the diapers above and below Joey. Joey was recovering from the pressure that the packer blade excerted. Once he was able to relax some, he became horney from the wet disposable diaper he had on, making him need to release some cum into his diaper. Joey, like his brother, was aroused by the feeling of the gooey, squishy wet diapers. Joey began to use the diapers above him to rub against the lumpy padding of his wet diaper. Joey's diaper was nearly squished between piles of diapers on top of him. The pressure of the compactor made him horney. Ten minutes later, Joey climaxed a lot into the front of his diaper and then he relaxed due to the expenditure of his energy. Joey fell asleep afterwards. The near silence was a little bit of a sensory deprivation of sorts, except for the crinkling of the plastic compactor bag Joey was in, and the plastic-backed disposable diapers that crinkled every time he moved. Joey turned into his stomach for a while, with his arms folded under his head. There still was some room in the compactor for at least two or three five gallon cans worth of diapers and or trash. Misses Newell walked over to the compactor, slid the door open, a rush of cooler air washed over Joey, laying there underneath compacted clean disposable diapers and some wet, gooey diaper gels and padding that was oozing from diapers that had burst. Misses Newell moved the diapers aside that covered Joey, reached down and between Joey's legs to check to see if his diaper had burst yet. Seeing confirmation that it had rips and tears in the non-woven inner liner, she put the diapers from on top of Joey, back between Joey's legs so they could push out more gels and padding. Then, misses Newell emptied three more five gallon cans of wet diapers into the compactor, putting some next to and onto Joey's face and around his head, before putting some more between his legs and on top of his diaper.
Joey: Miss?
Misses Newell: Yes?
Joey: Did....my diapers pop? It feels gooey, slimy and squishy!!!!
Misses Newell: Um, yes, it did. I have been waiting for it to. Now, more wetness will be squeezed out once I close the door and run a few more cycles of the compactor! Get.....ready!
Misses Newell tosses in a few more wet, squishy vintage disposable diapers around Joey's head, that now form a pile higher than his head on both sides before sliding the compactor door closed.
Joey: No! Please! No....more smashing! Please!!!! Oh PL....ease miss!!!!
Misses Newell ignores Joey as she closes the door and then she starts the compactor. The whine of the hydraulic pump filling the ram was heard as the blade began it's decent. Joey couldn't stand the pressure! It felt like an elephant sitting on him each time the compactor cycled. Joey's diaper began to ooze the wet gels and padding from the rips and tears inside the liner of his diaper. The padding began to get all over his pelvis and some of the wipes began to push out from his waistband as the diapers on top of him were tightly pressed down upon his entire body. Joey turned his head to the right each time the compactor started, and the piles of diapers next to his head also bust some, splattering their wet gels and padding all over his face, his hair and head. Once the compactor began to slowly retract, Joey felt a sense of relief as the 2,000-5,000 pounds per square inch lifted.
Poor Joey! His body was in serious pain every time the compactor cycled.
Joey's diaper was almost empty of it's padding in the crotch now, the back of his diaper still had some wet padding left in it. Soon, that padding would be squeezed out once the compactor pressure caused more rips and tears in the liner. Misses Newell started a second compactor cycle. The compactor came down again and pressed Joey down against the slimy, wet, gooey, squishy diapers below him as the diapers above him crumpled up and the wet padding and gels began to ooz out of their liners, getting all over Joey's chest and stomach. Then the compactor blade stopped for a few seconds before going back up slowly. Once the compactor cycle ended, it was quite once again except for the crinkling of the plastics.
It was quite some time before Misses Newell opened the compactor door again.
Meanwhile in her home-daycare, she had storytime, naptime and snack time then playtime, then some diaper changes and then lunchtime. Her regular toddler clients oblivious to what was going on in the other nursery where Nathan, and Amy were being kept until their disposals.
Misses Newell went to go check on Nathan and Amy to see if their diapers needed to be changed or if they needed to have their bottles refilled. Misses Newell used a diuretic to make the disposal clients wet more diapers and faster. The disposal clients sure responded to the diuretic by wetting more and more and more diapers more often. This was good because one and a half 13 gallon cans were almost full of partly wet disposable diapers, and a few that had not been wet in or messed in at all and had been worn for over two hours. Misses Newell walked over to Amy's crib and let the side down and coaxed Amy to slide over to the side and let her legs dangle while Misses Newell changed her diaper.
Misses Newell: Hi there Amy, time to....check and change your diaper, wet, dirty or not. (Feeling the crotch of her diaper) AH....you are wet. Time for a change.
Amy: Which of us will be disposed of first? My bother Nathan or I?
Misses Newell: Probably you. Your....brother just got here and hasn't used enough diapers yet. You....have filled one and a half 13 gallon cans so far. That....is at least most of a 32 gallon can. Once you fill the second can, it will be time for your disposal.
Amy: What will happen to all of my....clothes, my....4 dozen cloth diapers and plastic pants, and what is leftover of my clean disposable diapers?
Misses Newell: Well, everything of yours is trash. It's all being thrown away with you when it's time.
Amy: But, But.....my clothes and clean disposable diapers are clean miss!
Misses Newell: Yes, but it doesn't matter. I have already put your cloth diapers and your clothing, except for a few of your onesie bodysuits in the trash. I am not getting them out.
Amy: (pouting) But, some of my favorite outfits are in the trash! Uhhhh!
Misses Newell: Sorry, you will just have to deal with it.
Misses Newell unfastens the tapes on the front of Amy's diaper then pulls it down before lifting her up a little and pulling the diaper out from under her. Her diaper wasn't that wet but misses Newell was going to throw it away anyhow.
As she sets the folded over wet disposable diaper on Amy's chest, she opens a clean vintage Ultra Pampers Plus diaper
and slides it underneath Amy. She then begins to open the baby wipes and uses over 20 wipes, dropping each used wipe into the dry padding of the clean Ultra Pampers Plus disposable diaper. Then she shakes in a lot of baby powder before she pulls the diaper up and fastened the tapes.
Misses Newell: OK hon, now, time to....get back into your.....crib until naptime is over. Here.....let me......throw that diaper away.....for you.
Misses Newell tosses her diaper into the 13 gallon can filling up fast with wet diapers. Once full, the can would be taken to be emptied.
Misses Newell: When my.....husband comes home from his trash route, he will decide if it's time for your disposal or not. Your.....32 gallon diaper pail is almost full, so......once it fills up, it's time to empty it. He may decide to make you fill up another 32 gallon can before he disposed of you. We shall see.
Then misses Newell puts the side of Amy's crib up and then goes to change Nathan's diaper. Misses Newell drops the side rail then coaxes Nathan over to the side so that his legs dangled over the edge.
Misses Newell: OK, it's time to change your first diaper. We use these....vintage disposable diapers here. We don't use your.....youth diapers. You can choose between Huggies, Luvs, Pampers, and Fiti diapers that we have.
Nathan: May I have......the.....Ones with the balloons on them?
Misses Newell: You mean the....Fiti diapers? Sure.....no problem. Would you....like a...lot of baby powder or...a little?
Nathan: Um....a lot please. Why...do you....put the....used wipes......into my clean.....diapers?
Misses Newell: Because.....it doesn't matter which diaper I put them in, you and they will end up in the same place. I have to be ready for if my husband will decide to dispose of you and them at a moment's notice.
Nathan: You mean, that....even if I haven't wet a lot of diapers yet, I could still be disposed of?
Misses Newell: Yes. You could. It doesn't matter if you have used a lot or a little of your diapers, when and if my husband takes you and them, it will be time to go into one of his trucks for disposal, no matter what. Now, lay down for me so I can change your diaper. Wet or not, your diapers will be thrown away until it's time for your disposal.
Misses Newell grabs a Fiti diaper, the wipes and baby powder then comes back over to Nathan's crib to change his diaper. Misses Newell uses an entire pack of baby wipes, dropping the used wipes into the padding of the clean diaper each time.
Nathan's diaper had leaked some and left a small wet spot in the crib sheets. Misses Newell noticed as she pulled Nathan to the side of the crib so his legs dangled over the side. Then misses Newell unfastened the tapes, tearing the diaper a little. Once the tapes were unfastened, she pulled the front of the diapers down and layed it open flat before pulling it out from under Nathan. She set the diaper down next to Nathan on his right side as she grabbed the clean diaper and opened it up. Then she lifted Nathan's butt while sliding the diaper under him. Then, Misses Newell opened a brand new baby wipes pack and began to use them to wipe Nathan clean, intending on using as many wipes as she could so to use up as many of the packs as she could. Misses Newell wiped Nathan from head to toe giving him a bath almost with the wipes, dropping each used wipe into the padding in the crotch of the clean diaper each time. Misses Newell then finished wiping Nathan and pulled the front of the diaper up, with the huge wad of used wipes still inside, which began to stick out of the left leg elastics as she pulled the diaper up and fastened the tapes. Then, misses Newell took Nathan's wet diaper and tossed it into the diaper pail before helping Nathan to slide back into his crib before putting the side up.
Misses Newell: Alright, now..... it's naptime and I will expect you to be nice and quiet until I come to change you again. Do you want me to fill your baby bottles up for you?
Nathan: (looking down at his diaper) Miss? Why are....all of the wipes sticking out from my diaper like this?
Misses Newell: (rolling eyes) Because, it's the way it has to be. You and your diapers are trash, clean or dirty. It doesn't matter. Ok, here, let me take your bottles and refill them. I'll be right back.
Misses Newell goes to the kitchen and refills the bottles then brings the full bottles back and hands them to Nathan.
Misses Newell: Here you are. I want you to drink these by the end of naptime. Once these are empty, I will refill them so that you will make more wet diapers. The more wet diapers you make, the better. Ok, naptime. I don't care if you sleep or not, just....lay down.
Misses Newell then walks away and goes to the toddler part of her daycare and puts them all down for naps.
Meanwhile, on Daniel's trash route.......
Daniel pulls up to another home daycare where there are three thickly diapered boys and girls. One girl and two boys waiting with the daycare tech for the trash truck to come. Daniel jumps out of the cab and goes to the first toter full of diapers and rolls it over to the tipper before going to the second toter full of diapers and rolls it over to the dual tote-tipper. He activates the tipper then the diapers fall into the hopper between the roto-blades. Then he puts the toters down and rolls both toters back where they were. He then comes over to the boys and girls and the daycare tech.
Daniel Newell: Ok, what do we... have here? Are they being disposed of?
Daycare Tech: Yes, they are here for disposal.
Daniel walks over to the first one, the thickly diapered 18 year old boy and grabs his right wrist then walks him over to the side of the roto-packer truck.
Daniel Newell: Alright son, time to go into my nice trash truck! (Picking the boy up and inserting him between the roto-blades feet first.)
Daniel then walks back to get the next boy, one wearing three layered pre-fold cloth diapers and plastic pants, and put him into the hopper. He knows that the blades near the end will slice and dice the diapers nearly off the diapered boys and girls, and if not, then at least the boys and girls will be tossed around enough that their diapers will take a beating as they are packed. Daniel loads the cloth diapered boy into the hopper then goes back to get the very bulky plastic-backed disposable diapered girl. He kneels down some and looks into her eyes then he takes her by her right wrist and pulls her over to the side of the truck while the boy inside the hopper is still bouncing around as he gets processed by the roto-packer blades. Then, Daniel lifts the girl up, and puts her into the hopper legs first, between two of the roto-packer blades.
Daniel Newell: Ok.....IN.....ya go!
The roto-packer blades pack the girl in past the threshold of the container, pushing her diapered butt further and further into the container and then against the loads of diapers and other trash.
Then, Daniel is handed pack after pack of the boy's and girl's adult sized disposable diapers which Daniel tosses into the hopper which the roto-packer blades cut open and the loose diapers fall in between the roto-blades as they are processed.
Daniel tosses each pack into the hopper and doesn't care if they are opened or not. Then, the daycare tech brings out a cloth sack full of loose pre-fold cloth diapers that the one boy was using and she hands the sack to Daniel who takes the sack right over to the hopper and tosses the sack in. Some of the loose cloth diapers fall onto the ground next to the truck, about 6 or 7 of the diapers fall. Daniel curses under his breath as he bends over and picks the fallen diapers up and tossed them all into the hopper.
Then, Daniel grabbed the next two toters full of mixed cloth and disposable diapers and hooked them to the tipper. Then he activated the tipper and then all of the diapers fell out and into the hopper as the roto-packer blades processed the diapers. Once the toters were empty, Daniel put them down then rolled them back into their places. He waved to the daycare tech as he jumped into the cab and drove to the next stop.
Daniel drives a few short blocks to the next stop and as he pulls up alongside a row of four toters full of diapers and trash from another home daycare, he sees legs dangling over the side of one of the toters, the third one. He also sees two diapered boys standing by waiting for him to come take them for disposal. One of the toters has nothing but loose cloth pre-fold diapers in it that are mixed clean and formerly wet.
The green 97 gallon toter has the soft, torn, ripped cloth diapers that were used in rigorous field tests. One of the boys has six layered cloth diapers on and nothing else. The second boy has thick, bulky, plastic-backed disposable diapers on that crinkle loudly.
The second boy had four packs of leftover diapers that were not used on him yet. The packs were brought out to wait with him for the roto-pack truck to arrive and take them and the boy.
Daniel pulls up and stops, the truck bounces a little bit as he steps out of the cab. Daniel comes over to the first toter and rolls it over to the tote-tipper and hooks it up. then he dumps the toter full of diapers and trash into the hopper between the moving roto-packer blades. The roto-packer processes the diapers and trash as Daniel puts the now empty toter back down and then rolls it back into place before taking the second one. The second toter has a pair of legs dangling over one side as he flips the lid open as he rolls the toter over to the tote-tipper. Daniel then dumps the load inside with the 19 year old thickly diapered boy inside, falling out and onto the moving roto-packer blades and then falling down in between two blades as he gets forced into the small opening with the diapers, onesies, footed sleepers, old cloth pre-fold diapers, and unrolled mostly wet disposable diapers. Daniel doesn't care what is in the toters, when he comes to empty the toters, whatever is in them, is being dumped into his roto-packer truck and being processed by the blades. The diapered boy's feet went into the container first, his feet were swept to the driver's side of the hopper a little as the screwing action pulled him and his diaper that he has on, deeper and deeper into the container, giving his legs some cuts and knicks here and there.
As the diapered boy's diapered waist was forced into the small opening, his diapered butt got squished down and pushed upwards against his butt before the upper half of his body went into the small opening followed by an avalanche of churning and tossing diapers and trash.
Then, Daniel rolls the second toter full of diapers over to the tote-tipper where he hooks it up then dumps the diapers into the hopper with the roto-packer running. The diapers churn, get tossed around as they fall down between the blades as the blades push them through the small opening in the hopper. Then Daniel puts the empty toter down and rolls it back before coming over to one of the boys wearing six layered cloth diapers and he bent over to look into his eyes;
Daniel Newell: Alright now son, are......you ready ....to go into my truck for disposal? Those.....diapers you have on, are going to be ripped and torn by the time the packer is done with ya.
Cloth Diapered Boy: HEEEEY! Let ...GO of me! NOOOOOO! I......I..... don't wanna go..... into your ....truck! It....stinks and ......you said that.....it will rip and tear my diapers up! Noooooooooo! Let.....GO! STOP...it!!!!!
Daniel Newell: Oh, come....here....you .......you and those....rags you have on......are going.......into my truck ......if you want to...........or....NOT!
Daniel picks the cloth diapered boy up and inserts him in between two roto-packer blades feet and legs first with his diapered butt now being taken and forced into the small opening in the packer container quite rapidly as the roto-packer blades move. Then Daniel rolls the third toter over to the tote-tipper and dumps the toter full of more diapers and trash into the hopper. The roto-packer blades process the diapers and trash quickly, shoving and cramming everything into the small round opening in the packer container.
Then, Daniel came over to the third toter and rolled it over to the tote-tipper and then dumped the load into the hopper. Then, as the roto-packer processed the diapers and regular trash, Daniel rolled the last empty toter back. Then Daniel drives to the next stop. As Daniel drives, the roto-packer blades are running, still processing the diapers and trash. Then, Daniel pulls up to the next stop, sees a pair of legs dangling over the side of one toter and sees two diapered boys standing by a woman waiting for the trash truck to come. Daniel jumps out of the cab and rolls the first of two toters over to the side of the hopper and hooks it to the tote-tipper. Then he dumps the loads of disposable diapers into the hopper and the roto-packer blades process everything, including the diapered boy whose legs were dangling over the side of the toter, shoving and forcing the diapers and the diapered boy into the small opening in the container. Then he puts the empty toter down and rolls it back before going over to one of the 19 year old and 20 year old diapered boys and grabs the 19 year old by his right wrist and wrenches him over to the side of the hopper.
Daniel: OK son, time to.....get into my.....trash truck! Come....over here.....now....(Giving the thickly diapered boy a shove on his back to get him up into the hopper then pushing on his diapered butt to force him to fall into the hopper) In.....ya go! Yep! Bye-bye diaper-trash!
19 Year Old Diapered Boy: Noooo! Ouch! UH! Ouch! Ouch! Oof! Noooooo! Stop! Ooooouch! UH!
Daniel watches the diapered boy being quickly processed by the roto-packer blades.
He loved the fact that the roto-packer was a self-cleaning compactor, and how quickly the loads were processed.
Each diapered person he loaded, was quickly was scrunched up and bunched up into a tiny wad as it was forced into the packer container. The diapered people were slightly cut here and there, Knicks and cuts along their bodies that were not that bad, their diapers sometimes being cut and falling off of them, hanging and sometimes dangling around one thigh as their bodies were flipped, tossed around as they went into the small opening in the packer container.
Then Daniel Newell, went back to grab the 20 year old thickly diapered boy and get him into the truck. Daniel grabs the boy's right wrist and then wrenches him over to the side of the truck, resisting and begging not to be disposed of.
20 Year old Diapered boy: What.....are.....you....DO....ING! Stop......it! Nooooo! Quit it! Let.....GO...of me!!!!
Daniel Newell: Oh.....shut up! It's time to.....get into my truck now son!
Daniel picks the skinny, short thickly diapered boy up and inserts him in between the blades as the blades quickly make work of shoving his thickly diapered butt into the small opening in the container. The boy's diaper bunches up, cruntches up between his legs as his feet are swallowed up into the container. The boy cries and begs to make it stop but Daniel ignores his cries as he rolls the second and last toter full of diapers and trash over to the tote-tipper. Daniel then dumped the toter load into the hopper and as the loose cloth pre-fold diapers, onesie bodysuits, T-shirts, wet disposable adult diapers were flung into the hopper between the roto-packer blades,
Daniel felt satisfied that his new trash truck was certainly a worthy purchase.
Daniel put the now empty toter back then walked over to the cab and got in, then drove to the next stop. Daniel noted that at the last two home daycares, they sure had a lot of diapered people to dispose of and a lot more diapers to dispose of than usual. Then, once the loads and the three diapered boys were in the truck, he waved goodbye to the woman who watched as the three boys were disposed of, then he drove to the next house on the same block, skipping a house then stopping in front of a house where a mother and her two sons were standing there, waiting for Daniel and his trash truck to come. Daniel jumped out of the cab, and grabbed the first of two toters, and he rolled the first slightly over-filled toter over to the side of the waiting truck and he dumped the toter-load into the hopper, spilling cloth pre-fold diapers, plastic pants, onesie bodysuits, two-piece pajamas, and a slew of unrolled, wet disposable diapers filling the top half of the toter. The roto-packer blades quickly processed the loads as Daniel rolled the now empty toter back and then went to take one of the diapered boys to load into the hopper. The first diapered boy was a 14 year old with short spikey blonde hair wearing four layered cloth pre-fold diapers and printed plastic pants over them. The boy was barefoot and wearing only his diapers when Daniel grabbed his right wrist and pulls him over to the side of the truck.
14 Year-old Diapered Boy: Hey Mister! Let...GO of me! Moooomy! Moooomy!
Mother: Sorry son, you have to.....go with the nice trash man now......
14 Year-old Diapered Boy: Moooooooomy! Hey! Nooooooooo! Let....GO of me!!! I....I.....I don't wanna....go in there!
Daniel Newell: Tough son! It's trash day and you're....trash now! Bye-bye....diapee trash!
Daniel forces the 14 year old diapered boy up and into the hopper and pushed in his thickly diapered, plastic-backed disposable diapered butt to shove his legs, then waist and then upper body in-between two roto-packer blades as it quickly shoved the boy's legs into the small round opening in the packer container, scrunching up, then bunching up the boy's diaper.
14 Year-old Diapered Boy: Ouch! Ooooouch! My...legs! Ouuuch! Ooooof! My....di.........per!!!! Ouch! Ouch! Uuuuuuh!
Then the 14 year old diapered boy was shoved into the container and was gone.
Then Daniel rolled the second toter over to the side of his truck and then he dumped the loads of diapers and trash into the hopper. The diapers were flung into the hopper falling on top of the roto-packer blades then being flipped down and then caught between the blades as the roto-packer blades forced everything into the small round opening. The cloth pre-fold diapers fell onto the edge of the roto-packer blades and got snagged then began to be tossed around until they got shoved and forced into the small round opening in the container.
Then Daniel rolled the now empty toter back and then went and grabbed the second diapered boy by his right wrist and wrenched him over to the side of the trash truck where he forcefully loaded the boy into the hopper feet first.
16 year old diapered boy: HEY!!!! STOP it! Let....go of me! Quit...it! I.....I..... Don't want to go in there!
Daniel Newell: (Rolling eyes) Uh! Tough shit son! You...are....mine now! Trash doesn't get to decide if it is thrown away or not! O....k.......In........ya go!
16 year old diapered boy: But......but......my...clean diapers! My.... favorite diapers!!!!
Daniel Newell: (sticking his legs between two roto-packer blades) They are all trash now, like....YOU!!! Bye-bye diaper-trash!
The roto-packer blades quickly shove the diapers and the boy into the small, round opening and as he is jammed into the hole feet first, his diaper bunches up, scrunches up between his legs and the sagging crotch folds over the plastic-backed seat of his diaper, buckling up as the roto-packer blades work to process him and his diapers. Then, Daniel picks up the few fallen diapers from the ground and tosses them into the hopper before he waved to the mom and then he jumped into the cab and drove to the next stop. The truck lurched forward and drove a couple of blocks away, stopping for the stop signs and traffic lights here and there between stops. The roto-packer blades kept turning and churning the loads inside, slicing and fixing the bags until the items they contained were now bouncing around and being forced up against everything else at the end inside the container. The truck was nearly 3/4 full now. Almost time to go to the transfer station where he would dump everything out onto the tipping pad. Daniel had four more stops to make before he was going to take the loads to the transfer station. He drove the truck to the next house where a mom and their nanny were standing by waiting until the truck stopped. The nanny was busy checking the girl's diaper and making sure that she was ready to go with the trash man.
Nanny: Ok, your diaper is nice...and comfy, dry and you ...are clean and ready for the trash man. Sorry that....it has to be this way, at....least your....diaper is clean, dry and comfy .....
Daniel dumps the first of three toters which has the girl's disposable diapers in it that were all unrolled wet diapers. The roto-packer blades quickly process the diapers into the small, round opening. Then Daniel put the empty toter back and then went over to the diapered girl and grabbed her right wrist in his left hand and pulled her over to the side of the truck to load her. The girl was stumbling nearly as fast as Daniel pulled her over to the side of the truck.
Daniel Newell: Alright.....TIME......to go! Come....on!
Diapered Girl: Hold.....ON! Wait! My....diaper is not even wet yet!
Daniel Newell: Nope!!! Not.... waiting! Time to...go into my truck! I don't care if your diapers are wet or not! It doesn't matter! Now...in...ya...go! (Lifting the diapered girl up and into the hopper feet first between two roto-packer blades. The blades quickly shoved the girl's feet, legs and then diapered waist forcefully through the small, round opening in the container.)
Diapered girl: (as her thighs get forced through the small round opening) Ouch!!! My....Dia......per!!! Ouuuch! Stop....this!
The girl gets her waist forcefully shoved through the small round opening and as she is forced through the opening, her diaper begins to buckle up and scruntch up then her head slips though the opening and she is now inside the container being flipped, tossed, and processed by the roto-packer blades. Daniel then goes to roll the next toter over to the side of the truck and he tips it into the hopper spilling out diapers and trash. The diapers bounce around and get flipped around as the blades force everything through the small round opening in the container against the diapered boys and girl. Then Daniel rolls the empty toter back and then grabs the third and last toter and rolls it over to the side of his truck. He tips the trash in, then the roto-packer blades toss it around and around, the bags of trash being squashed and then sliced and cut open causing the contents to fall out and be processed by the roto-packer blades. Then, Daniel rolled the empty toter back and then got into the cab and drove to the last stop before he had to go empty the loads in his truck at the Waste-To-Energy Plant. The truck once again lurched forward as it began to drive more than 5 miles to the last stop. This was a large mansion that had a home daycare. They had four toters full of mostly diapers each week, and sometimes they even threw away a few diapered people. The truck bounced as it traversed the potholes and ruts in the road. Daniel drives the truck to the area where the large mansion was and then pulled up at the curb. He jumped out of the cab and noticed right away that there were pairs of legs dangling over the sides of two toters.
He then saw a young woman dressed in blue scrubs standing with three thickly diapered boys, one of the boys was wearing at least 6 layered cloth pre-fold diapers with no plastic pants or diaper covers and he had snappie fasteners holding his diapers on.
The other thickly diapered boy was wearing a disposable diaper that had fire engine prints on it from Kiddo diapers
With Kiddo booster pads inside.
The boy's diapered bottom was very puffy looking and the bulk of his thick diaper was causing his thighs to bow some as he stood there waiting for Daniel to take him.
Daniel rolled the first toter full of diapers over to the side of his trash truck and he dumped the diapers into the hopper and the diapers got tossed around as the roto-packer blades forced them into the small round opening in the container. Then, he rolled the empty toter back and then grabbed the second toter. He then dumped the diapers and other trash in and the wet diapers, onesie bodysuits, footed pajamas, two-piece pajamas and about 60 cloth pre-fold diapers both wet and clean, fell into the hopper and were tossed around while the roto-packer blades processed them.
Then Daniel rolled the second empty toter back and then came over to the boy wearing the fire engine prints diapers.
Daniel Newell: OK son, time...to...go now, it's diapee disposal time now.
Daniel wrenches the boy along by his right wrist in his left and the boy nearly stumbled as he pulled the boy over to the side of his trash truck.
Daniel Newell: Alright.... let's get.....you up and in there....OK?
Daniel lifted the thickly diapered boy up and put him into the hopper feet first between two of the roto-packer blades. The blades quickly shoved him into the small round opening as they turned
First diapered boy: UH! Ouch! Ouch! Hey! Make...it...ST.....OP! Ouch! UH! Ooooof!
Then, the boy was shoved in and processed by the roto-packer blades as the boy wearing only his cloth pre-fold diapers watched. Daniel Newell then came over to get the boy in cloth pre-fold diapers and load him up.
Daniel Newell: Alright.... it's YOUR....turn now. Time to...get into my nice trash truck son!
Daniel grabs his right wrist in his left and wrenched him over to the side of his trash truck. He then lifted him up and put him in feet first. The roto-packer blades bounced him around inside the hopper before it shoved him through the small round opening in the container little bit by little bit. The boy got stuck at his waist for a bit and was sticking out from the opening until the blades quickly shoved him in.
Then Daniel grabbed the third toter that had mostly loose cloth pre-fold diapers in it and a pair of legs dangling over the side, the diapers were both clean and formerly wet diapers in it and he dumped them all in, including the boy wearing Kiddo Junior Plus diapers with two Kiddo Mega Boosters inside his diaper,
watching with some satisfaction that they were being ripped, torn and snagged by the roto-packer blades. The thickly diapered boy was tossed around and bounced around inside the hopper until his feet, then his legs, then his thighs and then his thickly diapered waist was forced into and through the small round opening in the container. The boy's upper body got stuck for a few seconds before he got shoved into the container.
Diapered Boy-3: OUCH! Pllllllease....STOP it! HEY... Mister! Let....me....out!
Daniel watched as the blades kept turning and then as the boy's upper body got shoved through the small round opening and disappeared. Then, he rolled the empty toter back and grabbed the fourth toter with a pair of legs dangling over the side. The boy inside was wearing thick, black Northshore Care Supply MegaMax diapers with three Kiddo Mega Boosters inside.
The boy's thickly diapered waist made his butt look very puffy and his diapers crinkled loudly as he layed in the toter on top of his own wet and the leftover packs of his diapers. Daniel flipped the lid open then tipped the toter a little as he rolled it over to the side of his trash truck.
Boy inside the toter: Hey! Where....are you....taking me? Hey! Stop! Stop! Pllllllease! Nooooooooo! I don't wanna go in there! Hey! Whoooooah! Ouch! Ouch! UH! Ouch!
Daniel Newell: You're going into my trash truck with everything!
Then the toter was dumped into the hopper, the diapers, onesie bodysuits, two-piece pajamas, t-shirts, packages of leftover black Northshore Care Supply MegaMax diapers, Kiddo Mega Boosters all fell into the hopper with the boy as they all got bounced around, as the roto-packer blades processed the diapered boy and his diapers. The boy fell between two roto-packer blades with some of the packages of clean disposable diapers and his open, wet diapers and then he was shoved into the small round opening feet first getting stuck at his diapered waist for a bit before the blades worked his upper body into the small round opening. Then Daniel put the empty toter back then he waved to the woman in the scrubs as he got into the cab and drove off to the waste-to-energy plant. The drive to the waste-to-energy plant was long and bumpy. The trash truck clatterrd over the potholes and ruts in the road as Daniel drove to the waste-to-energy plant. It took him over an hour to get their due to the heavy traffic. Once the truck arrived, Daniel pulled into the scales, leaned out of the driver's window and entered his codes onto the keypad before the weight was taken. Then he drove off the scale once the light turned from red to green. He drove to the tipping building and then backed up and onto the tipping pad. Once there, he unlocked the tailgate and let the tailgate rise up, dropping some of the diapers, trash and bags onto the floor. Then he activated the ejection cycle of the roto-packer blades that kicked the boys, their diapers, bags of trash, the chopped up pieces of playpens and wooden cribs, baby car seats, ripped and torn onesie bodysuits, T-shirts cloth pre-fold diapers and wet disposable diapers as well as the boys and girls he collected. Once everything was ejected from the truck, Daniel lowered then locked the rear tailgate as he pulled forward some then parked the truck and shut the engine off. He got out of the cab and shut the door as he walked over to the nearest worker to ask that his load be taken right away.
Once Daniel got the ok, the claw crane swung over the load and then lowered down to it, grabbing the diapered boys and girls, their diapers and trash, and then it began to rise up again,
and then it swung over the pit, and over to the intake chute of a super hot furnace.
Then it dropped the load into the intake chute on top of a lot of other loads of trash and then Adam, Joe, and the others that were collected, fell in and were covered with bags of trash and loose items. As Adam fell in, he yelled and screamed for Daniel to please get him out. Daniel just...smiled and waved goodbye as he watched as Adam, Joe, the boys and girls, and all of their diapers fell down deeper and deeper into the chute. Soon, about an hour later, Adam, Joe, and The others fell into the open fire and were nearly instantly crispy critters as they burst into flames as they fell down and the chute trap door closed.
The End.
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