The Riyadh Landfill-Crowned Prince's Ordered Disposal

 The Riyadh Landfill-Crowned Prince's Ordered Disposal 

It was a warm April day in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. His Royal Highness, Prince Adam Bin Alwaleed arrived at the airport and was immediately greeted by the Saudi Royal Guards. The Guards made Prince Adam go with them after all of his luggage was retrieved. Prince Adam had two entire suitcases full of his medically necessary adult diapers from Northshore Care Supply, as well as three packs of the thick booster pads that go inside for extra absorbency. The Saudi Royal Guards took Prince Adam and all of this luggage to the Saudi Royal Embassy to conduct a mild interrogation. While Prince Adam sat in the Interrogation room, Guards rummaged through all of his suitcases. Finding only diapers, booster pads and clothing, one of the guards brought the suitcases into the room.

Saudi Royal Guard: ما هي حفاضات ومنصات .... .... .... صاحبة السمو الملكي؟  أنت ..... تبلل نفسك مثل طفل صغير؟

Interpreter: The guard said; "What are the Diapers and pads for....your....royal highness? You.....wet yourself like a little baby?"

Prince Adam: Yes.....His Royal Highness DOES! My American mother's side of the family has many, many health problems and this is one of them. It's cause stems from Central and peripheral neurological damage. Tell the guard that!

Interpreter to Saudi Royal Guard: قال ، نعم ..... صاحب السمو الملكي يفعل!  يعاني جانب والدتي الأمريكية من العديد من المشكلات الصحية ، وهذه واحدة منها.  انها سبب ينبع من الضرر العصبي المركزي والمحيطي.

Royal Guard: هل حقا؟  حسنا!  أخبر ...... صاحب ...... صاحب السمو الملكي ..... ..... لدينا ..... مكان مثالي له للبقاء أثناء وجوده هنا في المملكة العربية السعودية.

Interpreter: The guard says..... Really? Well! Tell ......his......royal......highness that.....we have.....a perfect place for him to stay while he is here in Saudi Arabia.

Prince Adam: .......and WHERE would

Interpreter: وأين سيكون ذلك .....؟

Royal Guard: واحدة من مراكز الرعاية النهارية لدينا حتى يذهب إلى سلة المهملات مع بقية الحفاضات القذرة!  هو .... يشبه الطفل ... نعامله كطفل قذر!

Interpretor: The guard says: One of our daycares until you go to the trash along with the rest of the dirty diapers! You.... look like a baby......we treat you like a dirty baby!

Royal Guard: يا!  أنت .... مثل هذه الفكرة ..... هل أنت؟  حسنا!  لا أستطيع ..... رائحة ...... ..... ..... الإثارة الخاصة بك!  لن نضيع وقتنا بعد الآن ..... هيا بنا .... وأشياءك .... إلى مراكز الرعاية النهارية المختارة ...... قف ...... أنا ...  .سعيد ..... قف ..... آه ..... هل تجرؤ على أن تكون وقحاً بالنسبة لي؟

Interpretor: Um, the Guards said: OH! you....LIKE that idea.....DO you? Well! I can.....NEARLY......SMELL.....your.....excitement! We shall not waste anymore of our time.....let's get you....and your....things over to the selected daycares......stand up......I....SAID.....stand UP.....AH.....dare you be insolent to me?

Prince Adam: You....ARE....aware of....WHOM I am.....and MY rank?

Interpretor: أنت .... هل .... على علم .... من أنا ..... ورتبتي؟

The Interpretor and the Royal Guard exchange a fury of banter as Adam is led out to a waiting black Sprinter van where he and his things are put in before guards sat on each side of him. The sliding door closed and then the van began to move. It stopped then was on the move again. It slowed a few times, honking at someone here and there before it turned left and went along a bumpy road before stopping. The side door slid open and the Guards forced Adam and his things out.

Interpreter: The Guards say that there are four women there, whom will be taking care of you until the orders to get rid of you come. You are to obey their every command! If they tell you to do something, you do it! They have orders to smack you if you do not. 


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